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After His baptism Jesus was still in Judea when He began calling His disciples, at least those who were there during John’s Baptism. Most of them were from Galilee, so what happened after that? According to history the wedding of Cana happened at that time and Jesus being invited to the wedding, had to ascend to Galilee specifically to Cana which is on the west side of Capernaum.


According to the Bible Jesus went to Capernaum to live there, and this should have taken place after or before the wedding (Matthew4: 13), but what about the disciples? Did they go with him to Nazareth then to Capernaum? Most of them lived in Capernaum, and it would have been easier for them to go back home, then maybe some of them followed Him later and others became new followers.

Whether a few of them that followed Him or all the twelve, we don’t know, but what we can estimate that being back in Galilee, they should have gone home to their relatives or to their own families.

And here the ministry begins right after the first miracle in Cana, first one He heals Simon’s mother in law, then His reputation has escalated around so that everybody who’s sick is brought to Simon’s house to be healed (Mark1: 31, 32).


Putting the story together, I dared to link Mark1 with Luke5 where the disciples went fishing and came back unsuccessful and while repairing their nets, Jesus uses Simons boat as a pulpit … afterwards He told him to move away from shore and that would be the case if we consider that people are drawing near the water to listen, in such a way to block the site of others behind them, in such a way that Jesus won’t see them all as they stand beneath the boat. So, for Jesus to clearly see everybody, He had to be away from shore.


Now when He had finished His speech, He said unto Simon: “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught” (Luke5: 4). He did not talk to the crew but said to Simon and He did not tell him let down your net, but your nets, meaning order all your partners to cast the nets. So Simon had to tell the others to put down their nets, which is something he wouldn’t do, because it is not technical for a master fisherman to fish in the morning, and not this specific crew of professionals, which after they spent all the night without catching anything, were tired and wanted to go back home.


Then they just finished fixing their nets, and now they had to cast them back again? And to think of it, how would a carpenter ask a master fisherman to do something similar? How he considers himself able to ask such a thing? That should have been the reason why he told him on your word we would cast our nets. Did Simon say this out of respect to Jesus? Well maybe, but I would say that the main reason was, not to be blamed from his colleagues.

What proves my interpretation is what He did once they picked up so much fish that they were not able to pull out easily and the boats were going to sink from the load, at that time Simon said: “Lord keep away from me a sinner!!!”

He felt that what he pre-assumed was WRONG!!!


About Stories Of Simon

Stories of Simon is a series of stories for children aged 8 to 13, about Simon Peter one of the first disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In each story, there is an adventure with Simon and other Biblical Characters, where children discover some Christian attitudes and values and learn about some important events found in the Gospels.

Teachings are based on the Word of God incorporated with some details in the story that will give more light on the vague events found therein.

These stories were put in a comic format in such a way to be accepted and attractive to children, where the reading will be limited to the dialogue between the characters and the captions pointing at the time and place of the event. Stories of Simon are available in many languages according to the request.

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