How to create a comic book?

Create A Comic Book

I thought it was an easy task, but between a lot of studies and trials and errors, the first book took me two and a half year to publish.

First of all you have to work on the story: The topic and the purpose of raising it, the characters in roll, the study of each character, the scenes and locations where they act.

Second task is to think of the technical part: how many pages, the format and templates in which the pictures will fit, the style of drawings to be used, the coloring, the tools and program to be used.

Create A Comic Book

Later on you go into details of time line requirements, cost and expenses, not to mention the marketing process and the direct clients and distributors and the the age group and public to whom you are writing and drawing.


With the characters, I had the least problem because they were inspired from the Bible, with a little of personal imagination, but concerning the locations and culture, I had to study a bit of history and revise some environmental conditions that were present in those days, and it cannot be without the help of specialists and the right reference books or articles that discuss those details. You think of dressings for women, men, children, at different seasons. The buildings, the streets, the lighting used during the evening, the professions adopted in those days, the different business, the entertainment children use, the parental care in the orient in general, and specifically at those times.


The topic itself will pass through many labyrinth: the introduction that requires to introduce the characters therein and the relations among them, the locations and the subjects that will be discussed, not to consider the suspense that you may skip some details to keep them for later surprises.


Conflicts will shape the narration process and the editing will include more enhancements towards the climax of the story to perfect and shape the whole narration. Of course, we are discussing the editing of a pictorial story, that consists of drawings and time spent to create them. When you talk about editing, it is not only words and sentences that might be excluded, but also drawings that you might have to delete.


Planning ahead of time, is essential, but not for a beginner full of passion to accomplish a task of a vision he has figured out to be created.

It costed me to delete, modify, and exclude not less than thirty illustrations in the first book, and change the whole topic because of the Editor, who was my daughter, Lily.


Three books sprouted out of one pre-mature story, and thus a chronological outline was figured out, having separated the encounter of Simon with Jesus in Judea, to the Historical event of the wedding that took place in Cana in Galilee, to end up in Capernaum, where many events took place starting with Simon’s mother in law sickness.


About Stories Of Simon

Stories of Simon is a series of stories for children aged 8 to 13, about Simon Peter one of the first disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In each story, there is an adventure with Simon and other Biblical Characters, where children discover some Christian attitudes and values and learn about some important events found in the Gospels.

Teachings are based on the Word of God incorporated with some details in the story that will give more light on the vague events found therein.

These stories were put in a comic format in such a way to be accepted and attractive to children, where the reading will be limited to the dialogue between the characters and the captions pointing at the time and place of the event. Stories of Simon are available in many languages according to the request.

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